Consultation Services

Concerned About an Oxford Student

Sometimes students, faculty, staff, or parents are concerned about an Oxford student’s wellbeing but are not sure how to help. Our staff members are available to talk with you about how best to approach them about your concerns, how to describe our services to them (including how best to encourage them to consider us as a helpful resource), and how to best connect them to our services and other resources.

Because part of our goal is to help create a supportive campus community, informing and empowering those who care about our students is an important part of our service. At times, it’s helpful to better understand what a struggling student is going through. While we can never discuss any student already receiving our services (or having received them in the past) because our services are confidential, we can help those wanting to be supportive better understand common struggles students face (such as depression, anxiety, trauma, disordered eating). While we cannot provide training to be experts delivering therapy, we can offer enough understanding to ensure you are offering compassionate empathy and informed support.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our counselors, simply call our office and ask for A Consultation Appointment, explaining that it is regarding a student you’re concerned about.

Concerned About Yourself and But Not Sure if Counseling is Warranted

It is not uncommon for students to be struggling with something but are not sure it warrants ongoing counseling. Sometimes, they simply have a question about a particular problem or situation, and the process of completing a variety of forms and beginning the formal process of counseling or psychotherapy is more than they need. Other times, they are not really familiar with counseling and want to know more about it before deciding to schedule a full Counseling Intake appointment. Either way, a Consultation About Self appointment can be scheduled, with far fewer forms, to help identify the best next step forward.